There are many benefits to running a Google Ads PPC (pay-per-click) marketing campaign. It’s easy to create, quick to implement, and analyzing your results is a breeze. Plus, because it’s PPC Marketing Springfield MO services from 417 Marketing, you’ll feel confident that you aren’t wasting your money on tiresome, forgettable, and ignorable advertisements. But while Google Ads can find you a multitude of new customers, it can also lose you money. Do you know how to improve your Google Ads Campaign? How do you know that each click reflects the interest of a curious customer? How do you know that the click wasn’t a mistake—that they didn’t do it accidentally or mistake your service for something similar? Especially if you have a modest budget, it’s vital that you know how to improve your Google Ads Campaign. It’s also vital that you know how to make your AdWords campaign works efficiently, attracting the right customers and translating each click into a sale.
So let’s talk about some basic ways to improve your Google Ads campaign. Call over your campaign manager and let’s get started. All you need is some time, the patience to analyze and revise, and a little determination.
First, you need to focus your campaign. Before you start, think carefully about your business and write down keywords that describe the products or services you want to advertise. Brainstorm terms that are unique to your business. If you are a local business , instead of using the keyword “PPC Marketing” (which could attract a national viewership and will certainly be more expensive), consider using “PPC Marketing Springfield MO” to target your audience. It’s also helpful to use longer keywords (3+ words) that describe your exact service or product, eliminating broad terms that could draw in any bored or clumsy Internet user.
Once you’ve chosen relevant keywords, use the Google Ads keyword tool to determine the keywords’ competition and the number of searches they receive. Search out keywords with little competition (but lots of clicks!) that also match your company’s service offerings. Finally, it’s a good idea to use the exact match option, as opposed to phrase or broad. What are match, phrase, and broad matches?
- A broad match contains all the words, in any order, and may include other words.
- A phrase match contains all the words, in order, and may include other words before or after the phrase.
- An exact match contains all the words in their exact order.
So by specifying that you want exact matches only, you’ll hone in on your target audience and spend your money more wisely. You’re focusing on conversions, not clicks.
When you want to know how to improve your Google Ads campaign, it’s important to start simple with a solid, dependable base. So don’t forget the fundamentals of writing a great AdWords ad:
- Consider your word choice and try to be as clear and specific as possible.
- Include a call to action like “Call us today!” or “Get a quote now!”
- Work a keyword into your copy, preferably in the headline, and keep keywords tightly grouped.
- Create a strong, inviting landing page.
- Identify and set negative keywords (words that often appear with your keyword but are not relevant to your campaign) to avoid wasting your money.
When you want to know how to improve your Google Ads campaign, these tips are essential. But don’t limit yourself to just a great Google Ads campaign—remember to practice basic on-page SEO as well. Now that you have a keyword strategy, you can carefully consider things such as title tags, meta descriptions, alt tags, header tags and more. Consider creating content “silos” where each service (and keyword) have their own page (and their own chance to shine). Once you’ve optimized your website to the best of your ability, review the results. If you have high organic search rankings as well as a solid PPC marketing campaign, you will have achieved a great deal of exposure on Google.
To eliminate any excess expenses, watch, analyze, and fine-tune your campaign. Make tiny adjustments in your wording. Think about specificity and uniqueness—those terms that highlight your business’s key features. Review your traffic levels daily and continue to review, eliminate, and add until you reach your desired level of success. Pay attention to what your customers are doing—what they like, how they respond, which terms most attract their attention—and edit your campaign to reflect their preferences.
One way to do this is to sort through AdWords data in Google Analytics, learning which ads are sending quality traffic (and leading to conversions) and which ads are not. Another great method is A/B split testing on your ads. To do this, create two identical advertisements with one variation. Whichever ad performs most successfully is the winner, meaning its variation is preferable and will give you a better customer response.
When you are looking for information on how to improve your Google Ads campaign, you won’t waste your precious PPC marketing budget on ineffective advertisements. With a little trial and error, you’ll find that perfect equation of keyword and bid that gives you the most bang for your buck.
If you’d like to learn more about how to improve your Google Ads campaign, stay tuned for more from the 417 Marketing blog. Or if you’re interested in our PPC Marketing services, give us a call at 417-889-0044 to talk about what we can do for your business.